HomeMobileiPhoneHow to See Battery Percentage on iPhone Without Opening Control Center

How to See Battery Percentage on iPhone Without Opening Control Center

Every time you want to see your iPhone’s battery percentage, you will need to pull down the Control Center.  If you just switched from an older iPhone or an Android phone to a new iPhone without the home button, this would have become an annoying routine for you. There are some workarounds we have discovered to see battery percentage on iPhone without even opening the Control Center.

Let us discuss the most effective methods to see battery percentage on iPhone without pulling down the control center.


  1. Add Batteries Widget to iPhone Home Screen
  2. Set Battery Percentage Wallpaper Using Shortcut

Add Batteries Widget to iPhone Home Screen

Apple introduced home screen widgets to iPhone users not long ago. These widgets include a battery percentage widget that helps you find the battery charge left right from the home screen. Let us see how we can use the batteries widget to see iPhone battery percentage without opening Control Center.

AirPods Battery Widget on iOS 14 Home Screen

  1. Go to your iPhone home screen.
  2. Long-press an empty space.
  3. Tap the “+” icon at the upper left corner.
  4. From the popped-up window, find Batteries.
  5. Please select it and choose a widget size you want.
  6. Position the widget on your home screen and tap Done.

There you go. You now have a battery widget right on the home screen of your iPhone.

Set Battery Percentage Wallpaper Using Shortcut

Well, if the above method did not work for you, here is a workaround. A Reddit user has come up with a Siri Shortcut that could show you battery percentage on your iPhone wallpaper. You need to automate the shortcut periodically to get the iPhone battery percentage right on the wallpaper, like this:

Show iPhone Battery Percentage on Wallpaper

To get started, make sure you download the following things to your iPhone:

To install the above shortcuts, click on the download link, scroll down from the popup window in the Shortcuts app, and tap “Add Untrusted Shortcut.”

Install Untrusted Shortcuts on iPhone

After downloading the “BattStat.zip” from Safari on iPhone, extract the file. Then, long-press the extracted folder from the Files app and move to the “iCloud Drive > Shortcuts” folder.

Move Folder in iPhone Files App

When you are done, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Shortcuts app and tap the shortcut “Battery Status Setup.”Run Battery Status Setup Shortcut on iPhone
  2. Tap “Let’s get started.”Get Started with Battery Shortcut Setup
  3. Choose “Change wallpaper.”Choose Change Wallpaper from Setup Shortcut for Battery Wallpaper
  4. Tap “Ok” and select a wallpaper from the camera roll.Select Wallpaper for Shortcut on iPhone
  5. Tap the “Battery Status” shortcut and allow iCloud access.Battery Shortcut iCloud Access on iPhone
  6. Now, go to the Automation tab on the Shortcuts app.
  7. Tap the “+” icon.
  8. Create New Automation on iPhone ShortcutsTap “Create a New Personal Automation.”Create Personal Automation on iPhone
  9. Choose “Battery Level” from the next screen.Select Battery Level Trigger for Shortcuts Automation on iPhone
  10. Move and set the slider to 5% and choose “Equals 5%.”Select Battery Level on Automation Trigger in iPhone
  11. Tap Done.
  12. Tap the “Add Action” option from the next screen.Add Action to Shortcuts on iPhone
  13. Search and select the “Run Shortcut” action.Add Run Shortcut Action to Automation on iPhone
  14. Tap “Shortcut” text in blue.Add Shortcut input to Automation
  15. Choose the “Battery Status” shortcut from the popup.Select Battery Status Shortcut on iPhone
  16. Tap the “Next” option.Add Action to Shortcut and Tap Next
  17. Toggle off “Ask Before Running” and confirm the same.Turn off Ask Before Running for Shortcuts Automation on iPhone
  18. Tap “Done.”
  19. Repeat steps 5 to 16 and set the battery level slider with an increment of 5% (set 10% in the second shortcut, 15% in third, and so on).
  20. Create such automation to run the shortcut in every 5%.

There you go! After all the steps, you now set up a completely automated refreshing wallpaper to show iPhone battery percentage without opening the control center. Make sure you create automation for every 5% to make the shortcut work properly.

Now let us talk about the way the Shortcut works. The folder you downloaded included PNG images that have battery percentage marked on the upper right corner. Whenever you run the shortcut, the corresponding PNG image with the current battery percentage range gets overlaid on top of the current wallpaper. Effectively, the shortcut changes your wallpaper every 5% depends on the automation you set.

Related: How to Optimize iPhone Battery Charging for Long Life

You will not see an accurate battery percentage on wallpaper. It is because the Shortcut automation only works with every 5% increment or decrement of the charge. If the wallpaper says “~55%,” that means your battery is between 51% and 59%, and it will refresh once the battery reaches 50% or 60%.

Related: How to Add Siri Shortcuts to iPhone Home Screen

Using either of the methods above, you can find iPhone battery percentage without opening Control Center easily. These methods can work for you in any situation and will be helpful until Apple comes up with a permanent solution.

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